We've seen it on movies, on tv shows, and in magazines. I do it, and I would bet, you do too. It is an annual tradition marked out just for you. Once a year, on the anniversary of one's birth, a cake is adorned with a candle, or a number of candles, and the guest of honor is expected to secretly "make a wish" as the candle fire is blown to smoke.
In my life, I have wished for a Miami Dolphins Starter Jacket, cash for a school trip and health of a loved one among many other wishes made. It's a fun little custom that some people see as silly and others see as sacred. Either way, a wish is only as good as the circumstances aligned to fulfill them.
In order for a wish to come true, action must be taken.
A couple years ago, Joe and I were introduced to the idea of a vision board. The purpose of a vision board is to bring into focus that which you most hope for, so that a wish becomes a goal. When we first designed our vision board, we were told to have a family meeting and brainstorm what we wanted to have as our small and large, short, medium and long-term goals. Our target was to have 75 things written down. "Goals that are not written down are simply wishes". This was easier to do than expected but it stretched us to think past our current situation.
"Goals that are not written down are simply wishes".
Since we first completed our vision board, we removed a number of completed stickies before deciding we would leave the completed ones on the board and simply indicated they were fulfilled. This visual would allow us to see how many goals we still have to accomplish, while reflecting back on how far we have come.
A few examples of ones already completed: I finished a marathon and Mailan read the Harry Potter book series. We hiked McAfee Knob as a family and took a road trip to Texas. This summer we went to France and fulfilled Mailan's desire to go to Paris while also checking off Clara's desire to go to Chinatown.
A few examples of goals still to be checked off: Clara's request to go to Canada, my desire for Joe and I to go on a vacation cruise together, finishing our debt pay off and funding a safe house with our family trust. We add goals, too. This morning I added, "Jeep Gladiator in cash". Joe and I both love Jeeps and want the new Jeep truck coming in 2020, but we don't like car payments. Committing to pay cash for one will require budgeting properly, patience and self-control. Three things recovering debt-o-holics typically don't have all at once.
If we didn't have this vision board, we would have gone to some island for our family vacation this summer and not been with our oldest the first time she saw the Eiffel Tower. She plans to study in Paris when she is older so to have this first time opportunity with her was priceless.
If we didn't have the vision board, I may not have stuck to my commitment to read 12 new books last year. We might not have taken a three-week road trip to Texas that allowed us to surprise one of my best friends. We may not have had that quality time with people we love but typically don't get to see.
If we didn't have this vision board, we might still be stuck exactly where we were before and that was not where we wanted to be. We were not thriving, we were just surviving. "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov29:18).
"Where there is no vision, the people perish"
Do you have a vision board? If not, start writing your wishes down now. Begin with just one or two and work up to more. Put your vision board in a place you will see it daily and commit to looking at it before making decisions.
Where should we go on vacation? Check the vision board.
I want to make a large purchase. Check the vision board.
I want to commit to a new activity. Check the vision board.
If what you are thinking about doing does not point back to one of the goals you have written - it's just a distraction.
If what you are thinking about doing does not point back to one of the goals you have written - it's just a distraction.
Don't wait for your next birthday. Make a wish today, write it down on paper and go after that goal. Dreams really can come true.